Technology Tutoring

Sign up for a 45-minute individual session with a staff member to get help with computer basics, Microsoft Office basics, Internet basics, or email basics. Call 704-416-6200 to make an appointment. Registration opens one week before the session.

Technology Tutor: 1-on-1 Support Session

Sign up for a 60-minute individual session with a staff member to help with computer basics, Microsoft Office, Internet, email, or other topics. Call 704-416-7400 or register at to schedule an appointment.

Vietnamese Tech Tutoring

Hổ trợ máy tính one-on-one. Các chủ đề bao gồm: sử dụng máy tính và Internet cơ bản, Microsoft Office, và email v.v. Xin vui lòng ghi danh trước.

Satellite Studio Session

Learn how to create digital media and produce audio and video content, while gaining experience with new technologies and devices.

Vietnamese Tech Tutoring

Hổ trợ máy tính one-on-one. Các chủ đề bao gồm: sử dụng máy tính và Internet cơ bản, Microsoft Office, và email v.v. Xin vui lòng ghi danh trước.

Excel 2013 Basics

Learn to create a simple worksheet using Microsoft Excel. Participants must be comfortable with working with a mouse. Basic knowledge of Microsoft Word is helpful.

Mobile Technology: Library Mobile Apps

Do you like free e-books, movies, and music? The Library has an app for that and more! Join the library to discuss the FREE services you can enjoy with your Charlotte-Mecklenburg Library card.

Technology Tutors: 1-on-1 Support Session

One-on-one computer help sessions with a technology tutor. Topics covered include but are not limited to Microsoft Office, Internet, email, library resources, and online applications. Sessions are 60 minutes.