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Microsoft Word 2013 Intermediate

Join us for a follow up to the Microsoft Word 2013 Basics class. After a brief review, we'll discuss paragraph formatting, headers & footers, and other more advanced topics. Previous Microsoft Word experience is required. Registration required.

Computer Basics

Learn to use the keyboard and mouse, and get a basic overview of computer terms and concepts in this class for people with little or no previous computer experience.

Technology Tutors: 1-on-1 Support Session

Sign up for a 60-minute individual session with a volunteer to get help with computer basics, Microsoft Office, Internet, email, or other topics.

Technology Tutors: 1-on-1 Support Session

Sign up for a 30-minute individual session with a volunteer to get help with computer basics, Microsoft Office, Internet, email, or other topics. Call 704-416-0500 to make an appointment.

eBooks and More Discovery Station

Learn how to use your library card to access a world of free digital content: eBooks, Audiobooks, music, and more. Gain hands-on experience with tablets, smart phones and ereaders! Bring your questions and device for this interactive program.

Internet Basics

Learn how to access, navigate, and print websites. Get basic techniques for searching the Internet and being safe online. This class is for people already comfortable using the mouse and keyboard, but with little or no previous Internet experience.

PowerPoint 2013 Basics

Create, edit and save a basic presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint 2013. This class is for people who have mastered basic computer skills. Previous experience with Microsoft Word is also strongly recommended.

Technology Tutoring

Sign up for a 45-minute individual session with a staff member to get help with computer basics, Microsoft Office basics, Internet basics, or email basics. Call 704-416-6200 to make an appointment. Registration opens one week before the session.

Technology Tutor: 1-on-1 Support Session

Sign up for a 60-minute individual session with a staff member to help with computer basics, Microsoft Office, Internet, email, or other topics. Call 704-416-7400 or register at to schedule an appointment.

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