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Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact:ÊBetteRaeThomasRecreationCenter@MecklenburgCountyNC.govÊor at 980.314.1111

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact:ÊBetteRaeThomasRecreationCenter@MecklenburgCountyNC.govÊor at 980.314.1111

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Digi-Bridge: Family Code-In ($)

Google Fiber 301 E. 7th Street, Charlotte, NC, United States

Family Code-In Your Family Game Night favorites with a STEAM-y twist! Dates / Times December 1  | 7-8:30pm Location: Google Fiber Uptown Tickets $40 for up to four $10 for each additional guest

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact: or at 980.314.1111

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact: or at 980.314.1111

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact: or at 980.314.1111

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact: or at 980.314.1111

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