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Technology Tutors: 1-on-1 Support Session

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - West Blvd. Branch 2157 West Boulevard, Charlotte, NC, United States

Sign up for a 60 minute individual session with a staff member to get help with computer basics, Microsoft Office, Internet, email, or other topics. Call 704-416-7400 to make an appointment or register online at

Technology Tutor

One-on-one computer help sessions with a technology tutor. Topics covered include but are not limited to Microsoft Office, Internet, email and online applications. Sessions are 30 minutes.

Technology Tutors: 1-on-1 Support Session

Sign up for a 60-minute individual session with a volunteer to get help with computer basics, Microsoft Office, Internet, email, or other topics.

Technology Tutoring

Davidson 119 South Main Street, Davidson, NC, United States

Register for one-on-one computer help with a technology tutor for a 30 minute session. Topics include but are not limited to computer and internet basics, Microsoft Office and email. Register online or call 704-416-4000.

Library eBooks: 1-on-1 Support Session

Independence Regional 6000 Conference Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, United States

Book an individual training session on borrowing eBooks for your eReader, tablet, smartphone or laptop. Bring your device; we’ll show you how to find, check out and download books from our digital collection.

Technology Tutoring

Davidson 119 South Main Street, Davidson, NC, United States

Register for one-on-one computer help with a technology tutor for a 30 minute session. Topics include but are not limited to computer and internet basics, Microsoft Office and email. Register online or call 704-416-4000.

Technology Tutoring

Davidson 119 South Main Street, Davidson, NC, United States

Register for one-on-one computer help with a technology tutor for a 30 minute session. Topics include but are not limited to computer and internet basics, Microsoft Office and email. Register online or call 704-416-4000.

Technology Tutoring

Davidson 119 South Main Street, Davidson, NC, United States

Register for one-on-one computer help with a technology tutor for a 30 minute session. Topics include but are not limited to computer and internet basics, Microsoft Office and email. Register online or call 704-416-4000.

Microsoft Word 2013 Basics

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library -- Sugar Creek 4045 North Tryon Street, Suite A, Charlotte, NC, United States

Create, edit and save a document in Microsoft Word. This class is for people with some computer experience but little or no previous word processing experience.

Technology Tutoring

Independence Regional 6000 Conference Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, United States

One-on-one computer help with a technology tutor for a 1-hr session (6PM & 7PM) every Thursday afternoon. Spanish-speakers welcome. Topics covered include but are not limited to Microsoft Office, Internet, email, resumes, and online employment applications. By appointment only

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