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NC TECH: Job Fair

Pfeiffer University 1515 Mockingbird Lane, Charlotte, NC, United States

Get Ready to Meet Your Next Employer. This event will provide seekers an opportunity to connect with regional tech employers from large enterprise companies to smaller innovative growth companies. Employers will be hiring for hundreds of different IT job occupations […]

Urban League of Central Carolinas: Empowerment Employment Expo – JOB SEEKER registration

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 3400 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

When: April 24, 2019, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Where: 3400 Beatties Ford Road - Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Details: ULCC invites you to attend their Empowerment Employment Expo on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 from 10A - 2P.  If you are looking for […]

Bette Rae Thomas Rec Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact:ÊBetteRaeThomasRecreationCenter@MecklenburgCountyNC.govÊor at 980.314.1111

National Digital Inclusion Alliance: Net Inclusion 2019 Conference ($)

CPCC Harris Campus 3210 CPCC Harris Campus Dr., Charlotte, NC, United States

Net Inclusion 2019 welcomes digital inclusion community practitioners, advocates, academics, Internet service providers, and policymakers to discuss: local, state and federal policies and policy innovations impacting digital equity, sources of financial and programmatic support of digital inclusion programs, and digital […]

Bette Rae Thomas Rec Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact:æBetteRaeThomasRecreationCenter@MecklenburgCountyNC.govæor at 980.314.1111

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Urban League of Central Carolinas: Technical Assistance Fridays

Urban League of Central Carolinas 740 West 5th Street, Charlotte, NC, United States

Empowering you with tools you need to obtain and retain employment. Anyone is welcome to attend any one of our Technical Assistance Friday sessions to get the help you need from:Resume writing Onlilne job search with computer access Career counseling […]

CM Library: Computer Basics for Adults and Seniors

Independence Regional 6000 Conference Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, United States

Five-part series, on Mondays (Apr 8-May 6) Covers the basic skills to get around in Windows using a mouse, how to use an easy word processing program, create & edit pictures, and an introduction to the Internet. No computer experience […]

Bette Rae Thomas Rec Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact:æBetteRaeThomasRecreationCenter@MecklenburgCountyNC.govæor at 980.314.1111

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

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