Technology Tutors: 1-on-1 Support Session

Sign up for a 30-minute individual session with a volunteer to get help with computer basics, Microsoft Office, Internet, email, or other topics. Call 704-416-0500 to make an appointment.

Maker Camp!

A summer STEM program hosted by Loft Staff for building, tinkering, & exploring. During these sessions, teens will have the opportunity to make awesome projects.

Mobile Tech Tutoring: 1-on-1 Support Session

Sign up for a 30-minute individual session with a staff member to get help with mobile applications, mobile devices, library digital services or other topics. Call 704-416-4400 to make an appointment, or register online.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Basics

Create, edit and save a basic presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint 2013. This class is for people who have mastered basic computer skills. Previous experience with Microsoft Word is also strongly recommended. Registration required.

Internet Basics

Learn how to access, navigate, and print websites. Get basic techniques for searching the Internet and being safe online. This class is for people already comfortable using the mouse and keyboard, but with little or no previous Internet experience.

Technology Tutoring

One-on-one computer help sessions with a technology tutor. Topics covered include but are not limited to Microsoft Office, Internet, email, library resources, and online applications. Sessions are 60 minutes.

Facebook Basics

Learn to navigate the popular social networking site Facebook with confidence and safety. Familiarity with computers and Internet basics required.

Technology Tutors: 1-on-1 Support Session

Sign up for a 30-minute individual session with a volunteer to get help with computer basics, Microsoft Office, Internet, email, or other topics. Call 704-416-0500 to make an appointment.