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Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

City of Charlotte Housing & Neighborhood Services: Planning Great Community Events

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library: Hickory Grove Branch 5935 Hickory Grove Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28215, United States

Community.  Fellowship.  Togetherness.  Neighborhood events and festivals bring people together, however a successful neighborhood event is no accident.  Great community and neighborhood events include planning, logistics, marketing, and teamwork.  Join us to learn tips and tricks on planning and hosting […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

City of Charlotte Housing & Neighborhood Services: Neighborhood Matching Grants Pre-Application Workshops

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - West Blvd Branch 2157 West Boulevard, Charlotte, NC, United States

The Neighborhood Matching Grants Program has helped Charlotte residents improve their neighborhoods since 1992.  The program awards funds to eligible neighborhood-based organizations for projects that make neighborhoods better places to live, work, and play. Before applying for a grant, applicants […]

City of Charlotte Housing & Neighborhood Services: Neighborhood Matching Grants Pre-Application Workshops

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - Steele Creek Branch 13620 Steele Creek Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

The Neighborhood Matching Grants Program has helped Charlotte residents improve their neighborhoods since 1992.  The program awards funds to eligible neighborhood-based organizations for projects that make neighborhoods better places to live, work, and play. Before applying for a grant, applicants […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Urban League of Central Carolinas: Working Wednesday Workshop Series – Job Search 101

Urban League of Central Carolinas 740 West 5th Street, Charlotte, NC, United States

When February 20, 2019 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Where Urban League 740 West 5th Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Details WORKING WEDNESDAY WORKSHOP SERIES:  Empowering you with the tools you need to find and apply for jobs. The Urban League […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

City of Charlotte: Increasing Participation in your Neighborhood

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - West Blvd Branch 2157 West Boulevard, Charlotte, NC, United States

Join the City of Charlotte for an interactive workshop hosted by Caylin Haldeman from Next Stage Consulting and the City of Charlotte to learn how you can help get your neighbors more involved in the community. Participants will learn best […]

City of Charlotte: Charlotte Future 2040 Vision & Values Workshops

1243 West Blvd 1243 West Boulevard, Charlotte, NC, United States

Let’s talk about how Charlotte should grow!  ​The future is now as the City of Charlotte begins the process to develop our community’s shared vision for growth and development.​ The City of Charlotte invites you to the Charlotte Future 2040 […]

City of Charlotte: Charlotte Future 2040 Vision & Values Workshops

200 N. Tryon St 200 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC, United States

Let’s talk about how Charlotte should grow!  ​The future is now as the City of Charlotte begins the process to develop our community’s shared vision for growth and development.​ The City of Charlotte invites you to the Charlotte Future 2040 […]

Charlotte Works: Train the Trainer Conference ($)

CPCC Harris Campus 3210 CPCC Harris Campus Dr., Charlotte, NC, United States

The Charlotte Works Train the Trainer Conference is a four-day training designed to equip trainers to lead their organizations in the delivery of the Working Smart program. The top Master Trainers will be on hand to ensure that each attendee is […]


Bette Rae Thomas Rec Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact:ÊBetteRaeThomasRecreationCenter@MecklenburgCountyNC.govÊor at 980.314.1111

Bette Rae Thomas Rec Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact:ÊBetteRaeThomasRecreationCenter@MecklenburgCountyNC.govÊor at 980.314.1111

City of Charlotte: Charlotte Future 2040 Vision & Values Workshops

6824 Democracy Drive 6824 Democracy Drive, Charlotte, NC, United States

Let’s talk about how Charlotte should grow!  ​The future is now as the City of Charlotte begins the process to develop our community’s shared vision for growth and development.​ The City of Charlotte invites you to the Charlotte Future 2040 […]

NC TECH: Job Fair

Pfeiffer University 1515 Mockingbird Lane, Charlotte, NC, United States

Get Ready to Meet Your Next Employer. This event will provide seekers an opportunity to connect with regional tech employers from large enterprise companies to smaller innovative growth companies. Employers will be hiring for hundreds of different IT job occupations […]

Urban League of Central Carolinas: Empowerment Employment Expo – JOB SEEKER registration

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 3400 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

When: April 24, 2019, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Where: 3400 Beatties Ford Road - Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Details: ULCC invites you to attend their Empowerment Employment Expo on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 from 10A - 2P.  If you are looking for […]

Bette Rae Thomas Rec Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact:ÊBetteRaeThomasRecreationCenter@MecklenburgCountyNC.govÊor at 980.314.1111

National Digital Inclusion Alliance: Net Inclusion 2019 Conference ($)

CPCC Harris Campus 3210 CPCC Harris Campus Dr., Charlotte, NC, United States

Net Inclusion 2019 welcomes digital inclusion community practitioners, advocates, academics, Internet service providers, and policymakers to discuss: local, state and federal policies and policy innovations impacting digital equity, sources of financial and programmatic support of digital inclusion programs, and digital […]

Bette Rae Thomas Rec Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact:æBetteRaeThomasRecreationCenter@MecklenburgCountyNC.govæor at 980.314.1111

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Urban League of Central Carolinas: Technical Assistance Fridays

Urban League of Central Carolinas 740 West 5th Street, Charlotte, NC, United States

Empowering you with tools you need to obtain and retain employment. Anyone is welcome to attend any one of our Technical Assistance Friday sessions to get the help you need from:Resume writing Onlilne job search with computer access Career counseling […]

CM Library: Computer Basics for Adults and Seniors

Independence Regional 6000 Conference Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, United States

Five-part series, on Mondays (Apr 8-May 6) Covers the basic skills to get around in Windows using a mouse, how to use an easy word processing program, create & edit pictures, and an introduction to the Internet. No computer experience […]

Bette Rae Thomas Rec Center: Computer Wiz 101

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Computer Wiz is a computer crash course to provide assistance with resume & cover letter building, basic computer skills, creating and operating e-mail accounts and job search. For more information contact:æBetteRaeThomasRecreationCenter@MecklenburgCountyNC.govæor at 980.314.1111

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Urban League of Central Carolinas: Technical Assistance Fridays

Urban League of Central Carolinas 740 West 5th Street, Charlotte, NC, United States

Empowering you with tools you need to obtain and retain employment. Anyone is welcome to attend any one of our Technical Assistance Friday sessions to get the help you need from:Resume writing Onlilne job search with computer access Career counseling […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

NC Hearts Gigabit: 2nd Annual Interactive ($)

North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center 4021 Carya Dr, Raleigh, NC, United States

Let's Do Something About It. Because NC Broadband Matters.  Join NC Hearts Gigabit in Raleigh for the second annual NC Hearts Gigabit Interactive, a showcase of solutions demonstrating why access to modern broadband matters to rural and urban vitality, workforce development, and […]


CM Library: Computer Basics I: Mouse & Keyboard

Main Library 310 North Tryon St., Charlotte, NC, United States

Are you a new computer user with little or no experience using a keyboard and mouse? If so, come to this class and learn how to left-click, right-click and use basic command keys as you prepare to enter the online […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Urban League of Central Carolinas: Technical Assistance Fridays

Urban League of Central Carolinas 740 West 5th Street, Charlotte, NC, United States

Empowering you with tools you need to obtain and retain employment. Anyone is welcome to attend any one of our Technical Assistance Friday sessions to get the help you need from:Resume writing Onlilne job search with computer access Career counseling […]

CM Library: Coding 101: HTML, CSS, & JS

Plaza Midwood 1623 Central Avenue, Charlotte, NC, United States

Curious about learning how to code but don’t know where to start? Join us for this exploration of how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript all work together to make webpages interactive. You will get hands-on experience with all three languages and […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Camp North End: END-to-END: A Confluence of Innovation

Camp North End 400 Camp Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Innovators of all kinds are invited to celebrate the creative process at the first annual END-to-END, a two-day “confluence of innovation” designed to open doors and deepen connections between mediums, industries and people by pairing the best of local and […]

CM Library: Computer Basics

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library -- Sugar Creek 4045 North Tryon Street, Suite A, Charlotte, NC, United States

Learn to use the keyboard and mouse, and get a basic overview of computer terms and concepts in this class for people with little or no previous computer experience.

CM Library: Computer Basics II: Intro to Computers

Main Library 310 North Tryon St., Charlotte, NC, United States

New to computers or been awhile since you used one? Come to Computer Basics and learn how to start and shut down a computer; create, save, and open a file; create a folder, and rename files and folders. Recommended Prerequisites […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Urban League of Central Carolinas: Technical Assistance Fridays

Urban League of Central Carolinas 740 West 5th Street, Charlotte, NC, United States

Empowering you with tools you need to obtain and retain employment. Anyone is welcome to attend any one of our Technical Assistance Friday sessions to get the help you need from:Resume writing Onlilne job search with computer access Career counseling […]

CM Library: Computer Basics

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - West Blvd Branch 2157 West Boulevard, Charlotte, NC, United States

Learn to use the keyboard and mouse, and get a basic overview of computer terms and concepts in this class for people with little or no previous computer experience.

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Free Press: News for Building Black Community

Piedmont Unitarian Universalist Church 9704 Mallard Creek Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

News for Building Black Community Journalism affects how leaders craft policies and determine their priorities. The stories told about us today become the history told about us in the future. For Black Charlotteans, this dynamic is more crucial than ever. […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

INTech Summer Camp for Girls – Charlotte ($)

UNC Charlotte 9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Camp Dates: June 24th – June 28th Camp Times: 9am – 5pm Track 1 Details: INTech Scholars participate in a 5-day experience where they learn how to build websites about social issues of their choice. They are placed in teams in which […]


Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

CM Library: Computer Basics for Adults and Seniors

Independence Regional 6000 Conference Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, United States

Five-part series, on Mondays (July 1-July 29) Covers the basic skills to get around in Windows using a mouse, how to use an easy word processing program, create & edit pictures, and an introduction to the Internet. No computer experience […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

CM Library: Computer Basics for Adults and Seniors

Independence Regional 6000 Conference Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, United States

Five-part series, on Mondays (July 1-July 29) Covers the basic skills to get around in Windows using a mouse, how to use an easy word processing program, create & edit pictures, and an introduction to the Internet. No computer experience […]

CM Library: STEAM 101: Scratch – Coding Basics

South County Regional 5801 Rea Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Participate in a variety of hands-on science experiments, engineering projects, or Math puzzles. This program is led by Volunteens. This activity is learning coding basics with Scratch, developed by MIT.

CM Library: Computer Basics for Kids

Morrison Regional 7015 Morrison Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina 28211, United States

Get a basic overview of computer terms and concepts in this class for preteens. Learn the basic parts of a computer and how to use them. Also includes a basic introduction to the Windows Operating System. Registration begins for ages […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Digi-Bridge: #STEAMSaturdays LEGO Robotics Course ($)

Pfeiffer University 1515 Mockingbird Lane, Charlotte, NC, United States

Join Digi-Bridge for #STEAMSaturdays LEGO Robotics Courses in Ballantyne, SouthPark, Uptown and Davidson. 90 minutes of hands-on Lego Robotics with a certified K-8 public educator! New and returning Scholars will learn basics of block coding, while building with their favorite […]


CM Library: Computer Basics for Adults and Seniors

Independence Regional 6000 Conference Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, United States

Five-part series, on Mondays (July 1-July 29) Covers the basic skills to get around in Windows using a mouse, how to use an easy word processing program, create & edit pictures, and an introduction to the Internet. No computer experience […]

CM Library: Microsoft Word Basics with Formatting

University City Regional Library 301 E. W.T. Harris Blvd., Charlotte, NC, United States

Create, edit and save a document, and learn basic formatting techniques in Microsoft Word. This class is for people with some computer experience but would like to become more comfortable with using Microsoft Word.

CM Library: Gmail Basics

Beatties Ford Road Regional 2412 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

If you're new to email, join us to create an email account using Gmail's free email service. Learn to send emails, attach files, manage your contacts and organize your inbox.

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Digi-Bridge: #STEAMSaturdays LEGO Robotics Course ($)

Pfeiffer University 1515 Mockingbird Lane, Charlotte, NC, United States

Join Digi-Bridge for #STEAMSaturdays LEGO Robotics Courses in Ballantyne, SouthPark, Uptown and Davidson. 90 minutes of hands-on Lego Robotics with a certified K-8 public educator! New and returning Scholars will learn basics of block coding, while building with their favorite […]


CM Library: Computer Basics for Adults and Seniors

Independence Regional 6000 Conference Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, United States

Five-part series, on Mondays (July 1-July 29) Covers the basic skills to get around in Windows using a mouse, how to use an easy word processing program, create & edit pictures, and an introduction to the Internet. No computer experience […]

CM Library: Microsoft Excel 2013 Basics

Mountain Island 4420 Hoyt Galvin Way Charlotte, North Carolina 28214, United States

In this introductory workshop, create a simple spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel. Participants must be comfortable with working in the Windows environment, and basic knowledge of Microsoft Word is helpful. Other Info Teens and homeschooled students ages 12+ are welcome to […]

CM Library: Google Drive Basics

Beatties Ford Road Regional 2412 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Join us in this follow up to Gmail Basics as we dive into Google Drive. Learn how to upload and create files with drive, create documents with Google Docs, and get a quick look at Google Sheets and Slides, Google’s […]

CM Library: Computer Basics: Typing

South County Regional 5801 Rea Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Come and learn typing skills with free websites like and

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Digi-Bridge: #STEAMSaturdays LEGO Robotics Course ($)

Pfeiffer University 1515 Mockingbird Lane, Charlotte, NC, United States

Join Digi-Bridge for #STEAMSaturdays LEGO Robotics Courses in Ballantyne, SouthPark, Uptown and Davidson. 90 minutes of hands-on Lego Robotics with a certified K-8 public educator! New and returning Scholars will learn basics of block coding, while building with their favorite […]


CM Library: Computer Basics for Adults and Seniors

Independence Regional 6000 Conference Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, United States

Five-part series, on Mondays (July 1-July 29) Covers the basic skills to get around in Windows using a mouse, how to use an easy word processing program, create & edit pictures, and an introduction to the Internet. No computer experience […]

CODEHS: Free CodeHS Professional Development Workshop

Goodwill Opportunity Campus   5301 Wilkinson Blvd, Charlotte, NC, United States

CodeHS is offering a free in-person professional development workshop in Charlotte, North Carolina this summer to help prepare teachers to run successful computer science classes with CodeHS! During this one-day summer workshops, teachers learn programming skills, effective pedagogy, and best […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Digi-Bridge: #STEAMSaturdays LEGO Robotics Course ($)

Pfeiffer University 1515 Mockingbird Lane, Charlotte, NC, United States

Join Digi-Bridge for #STEAMSaturdays LEGO Robotics Courses in Ballantyne, SouthPark, Uptown and Davidson. 90 minutes of hands-on Lego Robotics with a certified K-8 public educator! New and returning Scholars will learn basics of block coding, while building with their favorite […]


CMLibrary – Internet Basics for Kids

Morrison Regional 7015 Morrison Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina 28211, United States

Learn how to access, navigate, and print websites. Get basic techniques for finding information and being safe online. This class is for preteens with some computer experience, but little or no previous Internet experience. Registration begins for ages 8-11 on […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Digi-Bridge: #STEAMSaturdays LEGO Robotics Course ($)

Pfeiffer University 1515 Mockingbird Lane, Charlotte, NC, United States

Join Digi-Bridge for #STEAMSaturdays LEGO Robotics Courses in Ballantyne, SouthPark, Uptown and Davidson. 90 minutes of hands-on Lego Robotics with a certified K-8 public educator! New and returning Scholars will learn basics of block coding, while building with their favorite […]


CMLibrary – TechZone@Main Series: LinkedIn Basics

Main Library 310 North Tryon St., Charlotte, NC, United States

Learn how LinkedIn--the Internet's number one professional networking website--allows you to create and promote workplace skills, experience, and successes in this class. Presenter: Donte Perry Contact Phone: (704) 416-0144 Contact Email:

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

CM Library – Design Class

Morrison Regional 7015 Morrison Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina 28211, United States

No design experience? No problem! Join us for this introductory course to, a graphics design website that allows you to create stunning (and free!) flyers, business cards, and more in order to promote your business or personal brand! Please […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Tyvola Senior Center: Computer Help With The Guys

Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

Need help using the computer? Not sure how to perform a certain computer task? Bring your questions and get FREE computer advice. If you've got computer questions, they've got the answers! For more information or to register call 980-314-1320 or […]

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library: Facebook Basics

Independence Regional 6000 Conference Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, United States

Learn to navigate the popular social networking site Facebook with confidence and safety. Familiarity with computers and Internet basics required. Presenter: Christin Hope-Jones Contact Name: Reference Staff Contact Phone: 704-416-4800 opt. 4 Contact Email:

North Meck Senior Center: Computer Basics ($)

North Meck Senior Center 102 Gilead Road, Huntersville, NC, United States

Computing 101! From booting up your system to Keyboard Tutorial to manipulating your system to perform various computing task. What you need to know to effectively surf the WWW!! Age Category 6- Senior (Ages 55+) Location North Meck - Multi-purpose […]


Charlotte Mecklenburg Library: Computer Basics

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library -- Sugar Creek 4045 North Tryon Street, Suite A, Charlotte, NC, United States

Learn to use the keyboard and mouse, and get a basic overview of computer terms and concepts in this class for people with little or no previous computer experience.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library: Microsoft Word 2013 Basics

Independence Regional 6000 Conference Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, United States

Create, edit and save a document in Microsoft Word. This class is for people with some computer experience but little or no previous word processing experience. Presenter: Mason Bissett Contact Name: Reference Staff Contact Phone: 704-416-4800 opt. 4 Contact Email: […]

Stay Safe Online: CyberSecure Your Family & Home – Charlotte, NC Workshop

Gorelick Hall at Shalom Park 5007 Providence Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

The average American household has eight internet connected devices per person and a quarter of adults are constantly online. While consumers are increasingly connected, it is important they keep pace with protective measures to stay safe. Don’t let cybercriminals into […]

Stay Safe Online: CyberSecure Your Business™ Workshop – Charlotte, NC

Gorelick Hall at Shalom Park 5007 Providence Road, Charlotte, NC, United States

Small and medium-sized organizations have valuable data which makes them prime targets for cybercriminals. However, these organizations (small businesses, nonprofits, local governments, schools, etc.) are often under-resourced when it comes to protecting their sensitive assets. The National Cyber Security Alliance […]

North Meck Senior Center: Computer Basics ($)

North Meck Senior Center 102 Gilead Road, Huntersville, NC, United States

Computing 101! From booting up your system to Keyboard Tutorial to manipulating your system to perform various computing task. What you need to know to effectively surf the WWW!! Age Category 6- Senior (Ages 55+) Location North Meck - Multi-purpose […]

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library: Microsoft Excel 2013 Basics

Independence Regional 6000 Conference Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, United States

In this introductory workshop, create a simple spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel. Participants must be comfortable with working in the Windows environment, and basic knowledge of Microsoft Word is helpful. Presenter: Mason Bissett Contact Name: Reference Staff Contact Phone: 704-416-4800 opt. […]

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library: Basics

Morrison Regional 7015 Morrison Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina 28211, United States

Ready to create your own website or blog? Join us for an introduction to, an open-source website hosting software. Participants will learn how to set up their free account, navigate the site, and get started building their first […]

North Meck Senior Center: Computer Basics ($)

North Meck Senior Center 102 Gilead Road, Huntersville, NC, United States

Computing 101! From booting up your system to Keyboard Tutorial to manipulating your system to perform various computing task. What you need to know to effectively surf the WWW!! Age Category 6- Senior (Ages 55+) Location North Meck - Multi-purpose […]


UNC Charlotte Center City 320 East 9th Street, Room 204, Charlotte, NC, United States

How will the greater Charlotte region stay ahead of the next industrial revolution and what it will mean for jobs, public investment and inclusion? Tech industry leaders, public officials, civic change-makers, entrepreneurs and the research community are invited to join […]

Goodwill U: Computer Basics

Goodwill Opportunity Campus   5301 Wilkinson Blvd, Charlotte, NC, United States

This one-day course teaches participants about the parts and proper use of a computer. Participants will receive hands-on training in performing basic computer tasks, navigating the computer, mouse manipulation, keyboarding and working with the desktop, taskbar and more. Prerequisite: None

CM Library: Book a Librarian – Technology (Virtual)

Book a 30-minute timeslot for a 1-on-1 video call with a librarian! This session is for any technology needs you may have. We can cover: basic technology assistance, ebook or e-resource assistance.

CM Library: Book a Librarian – Technology (Virtual)

Book a 30-minute timeslot for a 1-on-1 video call with a librarian! This session is for any technology needs you may have. We can cover: basic technology assistance, ebook or e-resource assistance.

CM Library: Book a Librarian – Technology (Virtual)

Book a 30-minute timeslot for a 1-on-1 video call with a librarian! This session is for any technology needs you may have. We can cover: basic technology assistance, ebook or e-resource assistance.

CM Library: Book a Librarian – Technology (Virtual)

Book a 30-minute timeslot for a 1-on-1 video call with a librarian! This session is for any technology needs you may have. We can cover: basic technology assistance, ebook or e-resource assistance.

CM Library: Book a Librarian – Technology (Virtual)

Book a 30-minute timeslot for a 1-on-1 video call with a librarian! This session is for any technology needs you may have. We can cover: basic technology assistance, ebook or e-resource assistance.

CM Library: Book a Librarian – Technology (Virtual)

Book a 30-minute timeslot for a 1-on-1 video call with a librarian! This session is for any technology needs you may have. We can cover: basic technology assistance, ebook or e-resource assistance.

CM Library: Book a Librarian – Technology (Virtual)

Book a 30-minute timeslot for a 1-on-1 video call with a librarian! This session is for any technology needs you may have. We can cover: basic technology assistance, ebook or e-resource assistance.

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