Hundreds of policymakers, advocates, and service providers travel to Charlotte on April 1-3 to participate in Net Inclusion 2019, an event focused on digital inclusion issues.
The annual event covers topics that include local, state, and federal policies affecting digital equity; sources of financial and program support; and effective practices from around the country.
This event begins with pre-conferences and site tours on Monday, April 1. A full schedule of interactive sessions takes place on Tuesday, April 2, and the event wraps up on April 3. A full schedule is available on the Digital Inclusion website. First day events start at the Federal Reserve building on Monday, but most conference events take place at the Harris Conference Center on the CPCC campus.
The conference is being funded in part by the Knight Foundation.
An early bird discount is available until Feb. 14, and NDIA members get an additional 15 percent discount. Registration is available on the Digital Inclusion website.